Peter Doesnt Answer Me

As technology expending day by day,more script works in internet are getting smarter and intelligent.Just was open-hearted listen to my friend's b**l shit story this evening,i came a cross with a strange website called Peter Answers .

As i read from,here were a spritual magical virus (so called) will collect all those information in database and just spread by mouth to mouth,and from there its identified all those in sort and give answer to our silly question.

Was too excited till really wanna to give a traffic hit for Peter Answer.Guess what,the 1st question i asked (of course he needs an petition for this) is :

Petition:Peter,please answer the following question:
Question:Where am i now ?
The answer:What do you think.

He didnt answer my question correctly ! what he means ?what you want me to with that ?or I'll i just closed my tab and return back to facebook.

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