Mad V..What he is

Past 2 days,im getting a lot of inspiration from this tuber guy Mad V.Well most of them really don't know who is he and what is he's aim wannabe in the cyberworld and so called internet world.

Mad V started his video logging on April 11 and has nominated "Most Creative Video"by the You Tube community.

Why he's video so special and exhausted that much by the community ? Well,on all his 11 Video,he inspires Guy Fawkes (V for Vendetta) mask and shot he's most creative way to reveal the world and let them understand our aim,our responsible,our though and so on.

All of his 11 video tells are pretty awesome and great thumbs up and i really like the "Remember" title video.Its was awesome and i keep on repeating that video with jazzy sound that keep me again remember of Guy Fawkes and my status.Beside that,he also made some creative magic card and that also really cool

For those who haven't watch this wanted clip.please do so.Click here.What all those video and get back comment on my page.

By the way,for now on,Mad V is no more producing inspirational video in You Tube due to some TV company bought him over and made agreement with him don't publish his video on net.

His life is interesting to read on.Have you ever watch "V For Vendetta" ? If you are,then you guys sure know what im and Mad V trying to say on those Video.

Read more about Guy Fawkes aka Guido Fawkes.Click here.Its pretty interesting.

Remember Remember

1 Comment:

Novinthen said...

Remember Remember! 25th of November...

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